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Edible Volcano

Build an edible erupting volcano

How Do Leaves Change?

How do Leaves Change?

green leaves (note to you: try to find some leaves that you know change color in the fall, like some red and yellows).

baby food jar
rubbing alcohol
coffee filter

Caution: Do not put the rubbing alcohol on or near your face. Do not drink it or put it in your mouth!


Ask your child, what color are leaves? They will probably say green.

1. Tear up the leaves and put them in the jar.

2. Pour some rubbing alcohol into the jar, just enough to cover the leaves. Be Careful!!

3. Cut a retangular piece out of the coffee filter, about 1 in x 4 inches. (I had to cut mine a little longer because my jar was a little bigger).

4. Place the piece of filter paper with one end in the rubbing alcohol and the rest lying outside the jar. Tape it if you need to.

5. Let this sit for about 10 minutes. Do not move it around.


Answer the following questions:
What happened to the green color in the rubbing alcohol?
What happened when you put the filter paper into the rubbing alcohol?
What have you learned about the colors in leaves?

Note: What happens is the "true" color of the leaves comes out on the filter. If the leaves you picked normally turn red in the fall, then red will come out. This shows that the green we see in leaves is the chlorphyll when they are making their food. The real color is the color in fall.

Life Science Series Growth and Change in Plants -- for grades 2-3

Robert Krampf's Experiment of the Week

PO Box 60982
Jacksonville FL  32236-0982

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